You’re probably already familiar with the concept of branding – a name under which products are sold.  Some companies use no brands; others use many. Ultra Commerce includes a robust brand management system to handle any branding needs you may have.

Create a New Brand

To create a brand:

  • Click on Products on the Ultra Commerce toolbar.
  • Select Brands from drop-down.
  • Click the blue + Add Brand button on the Brands listing page to add a new brand.

The Create Brand screen will appear.

  • Active to Yes or No: set this depending on whether the Brand should be active or not.
  • Brand Name: Give the Brand a name.
  • Brand Website: Fill in the website for the Brand if it exists.
  • Brand Description: Fill the WYSIWYG area with a description if desired.
  • Click Save.

You will now see the Brand detail page, including the Basic fields just created and tabs for Brand Logo, Products, Vendors, and Brand Settings which are described below.

Create Brand Video
